
Željka Milošević - sound designer master

Željka Milošević was born in 1985. year in Kragujevac. In 2008. she successfully graduated Sound recording and design of the Academy of Arts, Belgrade and now she is working as a teacher on the same department in High music school "Petar Konjovic", Sombor. She deals with music from the age of eight and playing the harp since 2001. In 2013. she graduated Harp at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. The 2011. she specialized Management of Culture and Art at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Belgrade.

Željka is the creator and founder of the concept “Harpomania” in 2008. that includes education for all ages, production of small harps, popularization of the instrument, affirmation of artists and publishing (www.harpomania.com).

As a harpist she was working in one of the most famous hotels on the world - 'Burj al arab' in Dubai. Currently also works as director of the Association of artists "Art Network" (www.artmreza.com) from Novi Sad, "Youth cultural center of Vojvodina" (www.kcmv.udruzenje.org) and the deputy director of Association "Fabrik Art" (www.fabrikart.org) from Belgrade. Both Associations advocate for the research of art and culture, prosperity in the field of information, promotion of works of authorship, raising awareness about the contents and protection of culture and art, collaboration with artists from other countries and cultures. Also she is organizer of the international educational projects within the European Programs "Youth in Action" and "Erasmus+" where is art used for non-formal education and for increasing social inclusion of young people.

In addition to classical music enjoy playing and composing pop-rock, experimental/ambient and Irish-Celtic music. Since 2008. she is playing celtic harp playing and composing in the multimedial group "Feabrik" (www.feabrik.com). From 2013. she is playing pop music in group "Playade" (www.playade.rs) “Le duo” ((www.leduo.harpomania.com) and meditative music, solo, live on yoga classes (www.yoga.harpomania.com).

Beside all, she is 200 hour certificated yoga teacher, done her YTT 200 in Bali 2023.




Goran Kulić - snimatelj i dizajner zvuka

Goran Kulićje rođen 1971. u Somboru. Studirao informatiku na PMF-u. 1994. u okviru RTS stekao diplomu snimatelja tona u tadasnjem sistemu Evrovizije. Dve godine radio kao snimatelj u muzičkoj produkciji RNS (Studio M) i blizu 15 godina u Radio Somboru. Od 2008. zaposlen u sopstvenoj audio produkciji.
Paralelno, u okviru sopstvene produkcije  i u saradnji sa  Fat Sound ozvučenjem, aktivan na svim poljima produkcije, snimanja i obrade zvuka i tonskih realizacija.

Radio zvuk  na više od 100 koncerata svih muzičkih žanrova (Vasil Hadžimanov, Tanja Jovićević, KUD Idijoti, Lajko Felix,  Aleksandar Dujin, Foltin, Praški kamerni orkestar...)

Kao snimatelj potpisan na velikom broju “live” snimaka različitih pravaca: Klasična muzika (Stefan Milenković, Nemanja Radulović, Edin Karamazov, Kemal Gekić...)
Rock (ZAA, Line Out, Neozbiljni pesimisti...)
Jazz i World music (Akua Naru, Narayana, JeuNS, Tamburaški orkestar RNS...)

Autor dizajna zvuka na desetak predstava Narodnog pozorišta Sombor.

Autor originalne muzike za nekoliko pozorišnih predstava NPS. (2013. nagrada na festivalu dečijeg dramskog stvaralaštva u Priboju za najbolju originalnu muziku)
Snimatelj na nekoliko CD izdanja KC “Laza Kostić” Sombor (Najlepše operske arije – Nocturno, Vesna Aćimović, Zvonko Markovinović Mimi...)

Radio kompoziciju, aranžmane i produkciju za CD Radomira Vasiljevića “Six Strings..”, sa kog je nekoliko različitih numera nagradjivano na tada najvećim svetskim portalima “world” muzike.

Bavi se kompletnom produkcijom primenjene muzike, zvučnih efekata i “voice over”-a za video, TV, radio i multimedijalne projekte (reklamni spotovi - “Kraš Bajadera”, “Loto”, TV - “Udar” reality show na 3K,  edukativni CD Rom “Od igre do računara”, video igra “Goop Escape”....)